Carry Confidence Wherever You Go
Before leaving the house each morning, you most likely have a checklist of what you’ll need to get through the day ahead of you. Planning on stopping at the gym? Don’t forget your gym bag! Going to be running from place to place for hours? Better pack a snack. Maybe today is your day to get kids to soccer practice. Did you remember to throw those cleats into the back seat? No matter what your day looks like, there is one thing that everyone should carry with them: confidence.
There are as many ways to feel confident as there are people in the world. One individual may feel unstoppable when they wear an outfit that generates compliments. For another, confidence may emerge as they help a friend or neighbor in need. And for some Paparazzi Consultants, confidence comes with the realization that you have the potential to bring jewelry joy to the masses.
Walking through the world with that kind of confidence is life-changing!
Throughout January, every new Consultant will be ready to carry confidence wherever they go with a FREE Jewelry Display Tote in every Starter Kit!
Affectionately known as the “bling bag,” this black faux leather tote features a variety of clear pockets on each side of the exterior, perfect for showcasing your irresistible accessories. Bright pink fabric lines its roomy interior, which means your on-the-go shoppers can browse a variety of styles, allowing you to fill your pockets with even more of that fabulous green!*
In addition to empowering Consultants to spark jewelry joy anytime, anywhere, the Jewelry Display Tote is also the ultimate conversation starter! It’s never been easier to share the potential that Paparazzi offers and invite others to party for a living.
There are as many ways to feel confident as there are people in the world. One individual may feel unstoppable when they wear an outfit that generates compliments. For another, confidence may emerge as they help a friend or neighbor in need. And for some Paparazzi Consultants, confidence comes with the realization that you have the potential to bring jewelry joy to the masses.
Walking through the world with that kind of confidence is life-changing!
Throughout January, every new Consultant will be ready to carry confidence wherever they go with a FREE Jewelry Display Tote in every Starter Kit!
Affectionately known as the “bling bag,” this black faux leather tote features a variety of clear pockets on each side of the exterior, perfect for showcasing your irresistible accessories. Bright pink fabric lines its roomy interior, which means your on-the-go shoppers can browse a variety of styles, allowing you to fill your pockets with even more of that fabulous green!*
In addition to empowering Consultants to spark jewelry joy anytime, anywhere, the Jewelry Display Tote is also the ultimate conversation starter! It’s never been easier to share the potential that Paparazzi offers and invite others to party for a living.
Know a prior Paparazzi Consultant who is ready to rejoin the party?
For the first time EVER, we are extending this Starter Kit offer to prior Consultants whose accounts were closed due to inactivity (meaning, the 200 PV minimum within a rolling twelve months was not met). Whether their account was deactivated a month ago or three years ago, this is their moment to rejoin the party! Prior Consultants who wish to re-enroll will need to contact Paparazzi Support directly for assistance.
Please note that Consultants who requested their account be cancelled or who were terminated as a result of a compliance violation will not be eligible. This includes Consultants whose accounts were cancelled for inactivity while under suspension for a compliance violation.
Paparazzi, you hold the sparkly keys to a future full of possibilities, and that kind of confidence is what changes the world.
Terms & Conditions
When purchasing the Preview Pack ($99), the free Jewelry Display Tote will not be available until 48 business hours after enrollment. Once the 48 business hours have passed, the free Jewelry Display Tote will be added to the first order placed via the new Consultant’s Back Office. A minimum of one regular-priced item must be added to the shopping cart for the Jewelry Display Tote to be included on the order. Order for free Jewelry Display Tote must be placed before 11:59 PM ET on February 28, 2023. Standard shipping rates apply. Free Jewelry Display Tote is included in original shipment of Small ($299) or Large Home Party Starter Kits ($499).
Offer only available to new and qualified re-enrolling Paparazzi Consultants. A qualified re-enrolling Consultant is one whose account was cancelled automatically due to insufficient PV. To maintain status as a Paparazzi Consultant, one must accrue a minimum of 200 PV within a rolling twelve month period. Reenrolling Consultants must contact Paparazzi Support for assistance, as it requires the removal of tax information. Prior Consultants who requested their account be cancelled or who were terminated as a result of a compliance violation will not be eligible to reenroll. This includes Consultants whose accounts were cancelled for inactivity while under suspension for a compliance violation.
Starter Kit purchase must be made between 12:00 AM ET on January 1, 2023, and 11:59 PM ET on January 31, 2023. Free Jewelry Display Tote may not be sold or given away, as it is for Consultant use only.
*To see the average earnings for Paparazzi Consultants, please click on the following link: Income Disclosure Statement.
When purchasing the Preview Pack ($99), the free Jewelry Display Tote will not be available until 48 business hours after enrollment. Once the 48 business hours have passed, the free Jewelry Display Tote will be added to the first order placed via the new Consultant’s Back Office. A minimum of one regular-priced item must be added to the shopping cart for the Jewelry Display Tote to be included on the order. Order for free Jewelry Display Tote must be placed before 11:59 PM ET on February 28, 2023. Standard shipping rates apply. Free Jewelry Display Tote is included in original shipment of Small ($299) or Large Home Party Starter Kits ($499).
Offer only available to new and qualified re-enrolling Paparazzi Consultants. A qualified re-enrolling Consultant is one whose account was cancelled automatically due to insufficient PV. To maintain status as a Paparazzi Consultant, one must accrue a minimum of 200 PV within a rolling twelve month period. Reenrolling Consultants must contact Paparazzi Support for assistance, as it requires the removal of tax information. Prior Consultants who requested their account be cancelled or who were terminated as a result of a compliance violation will not be eligible to reenroll. This includes Consultants whose accounts were cancelled for inactivity while under suspension for a compliance violation.
Starter Kit purchase must be made between 12:00 AM ET on January 1, 2023, and 11:59 PM ET on January 31, 2023. Free Jewelry Display Tote may not be sold or given away, as it is for Consultant use only.
*To see the average earnings for Paparazzi Consultants, please click on the following link: Income Disclosure Statement.